About Us

We got the jump got the jive. Got the message we're alive! We're gonna keep a shakin'. We're gonna keep a movin' baby!
Clutch Poppers equipment

pop that clutch, let’s get rockin’!

It’s shifty rock & roll!


Our Mission

To play music from the first and one of the best decades in Rock and Roll. And doing the genre justice by sticking to it’s roots of heavy beats and simple melodies. It’s that amalgam of rhythm and blues and country music, played on the guitar, bass and drums that makes it simply great!


Our Goals

Our goal is to get out there and play for you! We really want to ramp things up in 2023 and play shows, lotsa shows. We’re always looking to play. So, smash this “Contact” link and drop us a message. And, if you see that we’re playing in your area, come by and say hello.


Why Book Us?

We want the audience to have a ball and really have a great time. That’s what early rock & roll is all about. Our motive is to make sure the audience enjoys themselves! Happy paying patrons are our aim, as much as the bar or venue owner’s. Again, smash this “Contact” link and drop us a message.

A little background in case you weren’t aware:
Rock and roll is a genre of popular music that evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s. It originated from African-American music such as jazz, rhythm and blues, boogie woogie, gospel, jump blues, as well as country music. While rock and roll’s formative elements can be heard in blues records from the 1920s and in country records of the 1930s, the genre did not acquire its name until 1954.

The phrase “rocking and rolling” originally described the movement of a ship on the ocean, but by the early 20th century was used both to describe the spiritual fervor of black church rituals and as a sexual analogy.


Clutch Poppers

Craig Pappasi - Drums - Clutch Poppers


Craig Weller - Guitar - Clutch Poppers

BASS and HOWLin’

Craig Weller - Guitar - Clutch Poppers


Craig Weller - Guitar - Clutch Poppers